Experience the power of B Vitamins & Amino Acids.

Increase Energy

Promote Fat Loss

Stimulate Metabolism

Support Muscle Health

Lipo-B Shot or Lipo-C shot may be the exact solution to help you reach your fitness goals. These nutritional boosts support your body’s natural functions for fat loss, recovery, and energy. Schedule a consultation today to determine which one is right for you.

Weight loss, exercise, fitness


For limited time only – $25

B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin C & 3 Amino Acids

+ Promotes Faster Fat Loss 

+ Boosts Immune System

+ Improves Energy

Weight loss, wellness, fitness


For limited time only – $30

B1, B5, 3 amino acids & L-Carnitine (fat burner)

+ Stimulates Metabolism 

+ Promotes Faster Recovery       

+ Helps Prevent Muscle Fatigue


What are Lipo-B and Lipo-C Shots?

Lipo-B and Lipo-C Shots are injections packed with essential B vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients to support fat loss, energy, and overall health.

How do Lipo-B and Lipo-C Shots work?

These shots work by providing your body with essential nutrients that can enhance your metabolism, increase energy levels, and support fat loss. The specific blend of vitamins and amino acids in each shot plays a role in achieving these benefits.

How can I get started with Lipo-B or Lipo-C Shots?

To get started, schedule a consultation with a healthcare provider who offers these shots. They will assess your specific needs and goals and recommend the appropriate treatment plan for you.

Are Lipo-B and Lipo-C Shots a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise?

No, these shots are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. They are meant to complement a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. For the best results, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle alongside these treatments.

Weight loss goals, fitness


Schedule a Consultation Now