22 Nov Why You Should Go to a Professional for IV Hydration
IV hydration treatments or “vitamin drips” have already helped countless individuals with everything from their athletic performance to boosting their immune system. As these treatments continue to grow in popularity, more and more “IV clinics” are starting to pop up around the country. However, before you consider just going anywhere for an IV hydration treatment, you need to make sure that you are seeing a professional.
A doctor or a nurse practitioner should administer any IV hydration treatment. While this treatment is safe and becoming increasingly common, you still want a real licensed healthcare professional administering these infusions and here are a few reasons why.
- It is important to start with your medical history and a brief exam. This is essential for any treatment, even something as low-risk as IV hydration therapy.
- A doctor can make sure that this treatment supports, and doesn’t interfere with, any medical treatments you may be under. Only a licensed medical provider will be able to do this.
- A licensed health care provider will be able to recommend a treatment plan that works for you. While you may come in “knowing” what type of treatment you want, a doctor will be able to make an assessment and recommend a treatment or a plan that best works for you and your healthcare needs.
- It is more complicated than it looks. While IV hydration treatments are relatively simple and low-risk, they are all about balancing fluids in the body and do require a professional who understands how these vitamins and fluids impact the system.
- You want someone who knows what they are doing to place the IV. This is the only part of the treatment that can be slightly uncomfortable, which is why it is important that it is done correctly and done right the first time. You want to be in the hands of a real medical professional when your IV is placed.
If you are looking for the right place to give IV hydration a try, come to LT Men’s clinic. We always have a licensed doctor or nurse practitioner administering our treatments, so you know you are in good hands. Give us a call at 817-369-3605 to learn more about our Hydration Hero, IV treatments.