23 Sep The Advantages of Having Enough Vitamin D
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for the proper functioning of many different body systems. Vitamin D is naturally found in fatty fish and cheeses and can be added to other foods like juices and plant milk. Vitamin D is also produced through the absorption of UV rays from sunlight into the skin.
What Does Vitamin D do In the Body?
Research shows that about 35% of adults in the United States are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D is essential for the body to function correctly. Without proper vitamin D levels, many of our body systems are left unsupported. Some of the ways vitamin D is used in the body include:
Healthy Bones and Joints: Vitamin D helps support healthy bones and joints by allowing the body to absorb calcium and phosphate, which keeps bones healthy and strong.
Improve Blood Sugars: Vitamin D can help reduce blood sugar levels and may stop the progression of diabetes if used alongside a healthy diet and exercise.
Improve Mood: Low vitamin D levels have been linked to depression. Vitamin D supplementation may improve the symptoms of depression.
Cardiovascular Health: Vitamin D reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing calcium build-up and inflammation within the blood vessels. Vitamin D has also been shown to improve blood pressure readings.
Cancer: Studies have shown that Vitamin D may help reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, including colon, breast, bladder, esophageal, uterine, cervical, and pancreatic. Vitamin D can also reduce the rate of metastasis of certain cancers, reducing mortality.
Reduce Infection Rates: Vitamin D has been found to assist the immune system in fighting off certain respiratory infections.
Prevent Strokes: Some studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels are at an elevated risk of stroke.
How Do I Know if My Vitamin D is Low?
Vitamin D deficiency can cause various symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, depression or mood changes, hair loss, muscle weakness, a weakened immune system, and muscle weakness or bone pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the best way to determine if your vitamin D levels are low is to obtain a blood test from your doctor.
Vitamin D Supplementation
Regular sun exposure is a natural way to increase your vitamin D levels. To maintain a healthy vitamin D level, it is recommended to get 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight a few times per week. Depending on the area in which you live, sunlight may be difficult to come by during parts of the year. Another way to increase your vitamin D levels is by taking Vitamin D3 supplementation. The recommended daily vitamin D dosage may vary depending on your vitamin D levels. Please speak with your doctor if you think vitamin D supplementation is for you.