28 Jul Did you know hydration can affect your testosterone levels?
In one of our previous posts, we explained how beneficial water is for weight loss. However, did you know that staying hydrated also plays a significant role in increasing testosterone levels? Interested? Let’s learn more.
Dehydration’s Direct Effect on Testosterone
As you get older, it’s natural for testosterone levels to drop. However, a good way to reduce or prevent this is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. According to this study, researchers found that men who engage in a long-term exercise routine compared to men who do not exercise regularly are more likely to have higher levels of testosterone.
So, what does this have to do with dehydration? Well, most Americans are chronically dehydrated to begin with, which plays a huge role in decreasing testosterone levels in men. Whether you exercise regularly or not, dehydration has a direct impact on the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the body when it is under stress, and as a result, acts as a natural testosterone suppressor.
A study was conducted where males would complete three identical training sessions in various states of hydration (hydrated, dehydrated by ~2.5% body mass, and dehydrated by ~5% body mass.) Researchers would measure the male’s hormone levels (including cortisol and testosterone) during their states of rest, while training, immediately after exercising, and 60 minutes after exercising. The researchers found that cortisol levels increased significantly when candidates exercised while dehydrated in both states. The increase in testosterone levels that are normally associated with exercising was greatly suppressed when the participants were dehydrated. So even if you exercise regularly, it may not be enough to increase testosterone levels if you are consistently dehydrated.
Dehydration Decreases Natural Human Growth Hormone Production
Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a natural hormone that is produced in your pituitary gland located just behind the bridge of your nose. In children and adolescents, HGH is responsible for development and growth in height. However, as we get older, this hormone provides a myriad of other helpful functions. HGH can affect things like improving muscle strength and growth, decreasing the time it takes to heal from injuries, enhancing weight loss, and improving erectile dysfunction.
HGH is similar to testosterone in that levels for both of these hormones begin to decrease as men get older. Just like for testosterone, one of the best ways to increase and maintain your HGH levels is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. However, researchers found that hydration plays a key role on the exercise-induced response of HGH, which decreases when exercises are performed without fluid intake. So the next time you decide to hit the gym, make sure that you’re taking in an adequate amount of fluids so that you’re getting the best results from your workout!
If you think that you’re experiencing low testosterone due to dehydration, schedule an appointment with us today at (817) 416-5698! We have a variety of Hydration Hero packages that will not only get you rehydrated but will also restore your electrolytic balance and deliver essential vitamins into your body. We can also test your testosterone levels! We can have results in less than 30 minutes and, if levels are low, begin treatment immediately.