05 Jul Erectile Dysfunction: Testosterone Replacement or ED Drugs?
Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is an unfortunately common condition that impacts as many as 50% of adult men over 40. While ED can impact your overall quality of life, and your relationships, there are treatments available that can help men have a fulfilling and healthy sex life.
When it comes to finding solutions for your ED, it is important to remember that there are several different options out there, each with their own unique benefits. Many times, the right treatment all has to do with the cause of your ED.
For example, in many men, the cause of erectile dysfunction is low T. IN that case, testosterone replacement therapy that works to restore normal testosterone levels is typically the best option. However, this isn’t the only potential cause of erectile dysfunction. Some men struggle with cardiovascular issues that can reduce blood flow to the penis and make it difficult to get an erection.
The cause of your erectile dysfunction has a lot to do with the proper treatment that will work for you so it is important to keep these things in mind as you find a treatment option that will work. It is also important to remember how complex ED can be and that sometimes it can be hard to find the exact right combination of treatments that will work for you.
Most men ultimately will choose between testosterone replacement or ED drugs. But which route is the right option?
How to Know When Testosterone Replacement Therapy Will Work
In many situations, testosterone replacement therapy is an option for dealing with ED. This is particularly true in men who also have low T. Low T is typically identified by symptoms such as fatigue, mood changes and low libido. You can also have your testosterone levels checked to determine if that is the cause of the issue.
How to Know When Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Will Work
There are certain situations when drugs for ED will work better than testosterone replacement therapy. This is true with men who have no signs of low T and whose blood work comes back as normal, but who are struggling to increase blood flow to the penis.
There are many men who struggle with this due to other conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease. In these cases, a drug treatment may help these men get better results.
At times, both treatments may be used together in men who have low T and accompanying symptoms like low libido, but who also have issues getting the blood flow they need to maintain an erection.
No matter which symptoms you are dealing with, the team here at LT Men’s Clinic is ready to help. If you have questions about ED and what you can do to get back to life as normal, contact us today at (817)-369-3605 to schedule an appointment.