02 Jul How Shockwave Therapy Can Improve Your Sex Life
There are more men then ever in the United States who deal with erectile dysfunction, or ED. In fact, it is so common, that it is estimated that 52% of adult men in the United States struggle with erectile dysfunction.
As this condition continues to become more and more common—new treatments are being developed to help treat erectile dysfunction in men so that they can continue to enjoy a normal, healthy sex life.
While there have been many different solutions to come on the market from oral medications to implants—many of these products come with serious side effects and are unfortunately not as effective as most men would want.
The good news is, there is a treatment that has been introduced to the market that is finally offering a solution that men can
So, What Exactly is Shockwave Therapy?
While shockwave therapy may be relatively new to the world of erectile dysfunction treatment, the therapy itself has been used for many years, particularly in orthopedics to help stimulate new blood vessels to speed up healing.
Shockwave therapy does this by utilizing low-intensity sound waves to break up the plaque inside your blood vessels as a way to help restore circulation. It can also stimulate new blood vessel growth.
Since the primary cause of erectile dysfunction is poor blood flow, it wasn’t long before medical experts realized that this treatment could help men who struggle with ED because of poor blood flow.
The great thing about shockwave therapy is that the treatments themselves are relatively painless, and you don’t have to worry about some of the side effects or risks that come with oral medications. You also don’t have to worry about remembering to take medications right before sexual activity.
Instead, you can engage in a series of quick and painless shockwave therapy sessions to treat ED and to help restore normal erectile function. Of course, when you come in for a consultation, one of our medical experts will go over your condition and symptoms with you to determine an appropriate treatment plan.
If you are interested in learning more about shockwave therapy and what it can do for you—then give LT Men’s Clinic a call today. You can schedule an appointment for a consultation or learn more about shockwave therapy by calling us directly at 817-369-3605.