07 Feb Is Low Testosterone Genetic?
Low testosterone, or low T, has become a serious problem for many adult men today. The good news is, there are many new advancements and treatments available that can help with low T and help men regain normal and health hormone levels.
While there are treatment options available for low T, there are still a lot of questions surrounding low testosterone and why this happens. One of the many questions that men, and medical experts alike, have about low testosterone has to do with genetics.
So, are issues with low testosterone genetic?
The answer isn’t all that black and white, but here’s what every man should know about testosterone and genetics.
Scientists now believe that low testosterone is heredity. In fact, scientists have been able to pinpoint specific genetic markers for low T. Men with three or more of these markers are nearly seven times as likely to have low T when compared to men with none of these markers.
One gene in particular that researchers have been looking at in regards to low T is the SHGB gene, also known as Sex Hormone Binging Globulin. This is a type of protein that binds to hormone, specifically testosterone, in the body. SHBG carries testosterone through the blood. Variations in this gene can make you more susceptible to hypogonadism.
Other studies have found a link between certain gene markers on the X chromosomes and low testosterone. Other studies found a connection between low T and variations in several protein coding genes.
However, it is important to remember that there are other non-genetic factors that can lead to low T. Obesity and diabetes are both linked to low testosterone levels. Plus, smokers and those taking certain supplements are also at a higher risk of low T—so there is more to the puzzle than genetics alone. Both lifestyle factors and genetics can lead to issues with low T.
No matter what the cause of your testosterone issues may be, there are solutions that can help. Testosterone replacement therapy is a common treatment for testosterone deficiency and can help regain normal hormone levels and eliminate the unwanted side effects associated with this condition.
If you have questions about low T, or any hormonal issues, make sure to schedule and appointment with us here at LT Men’s Clinic. You can contact us directly at (817) 369-3605. We can help you get to the bottom of your hormone issues and learn more about how genetics may play a role.