Low T and Me A Breakdown of Potential Causes

Low T and Me: A Breakdown of Potential Causes

Low testosterone levels, or Low T, is extremely common among men of all ages today. In fact, according to a study by Boston University, it is estimated that between 4-5 million men in the United States are currently living with low T.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the human body, especially in males. However, after the age of 30, the body starts to produce less and less testosterone. In some men, it can be barely noticeable, in others, it can be quite a dramatic change. While it is estimated that as many as 39% of older men in the United States have low levels of testosterone, “low T” can impact men of all ages, even children.

What are the Signs of Low T?

Before getting to the heart of any issue with low T, it is important to understand what some of the signs and symptoms of low T are. In adults, signs of low T can include the following:

  • Infertility
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Low energy
  • Low or decreasing muscle mass
  • Loss of bone mass
  • Hair loss or slowed hair growth
  • Gynecomastia
  • Fatigue
  • Mental Fogginess

What Causes Low T?

Low T is increasingly common among men today, but what causes this hormonal imbalance? Well, there are a few different causes of this problem.

Diseases and Illnesses

Certain illnesses and conditions have been linked to low T. This can include chronic conditions like liver or kidney disease as well as chronic obstructive lung disease. HIV/AIDS and other autoimmune diseases have also been linked to low T in many men. Type 2 diabetes, metabolic disorders and certain infections such as the mumps may also increase a man’s chances of having low T.

Testicular Issues

Issues with the testicles do, unsurprisingly, cause many problems with low T. Testicular cancer along with some of the treatments used on testicular cancer can drastically impact a man’s ability to produce testosterone. Injury to the testicles may also cause low T as well.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Some drugs, such as opioids can actually have an impact on how much testosterone the body can produce. Extensive alcohol use can also cause an issue with low T. Corticosteroids or glucocorticoids also put many men at risk for developing low T. It is also important to note that some chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer can impact a man’s testosterone levels.


Obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 30.0 kilograms divided by your square height in meters. So, for a man who is 5’9”, a weight of 203 pounds or more would make them obese. While there are exceptions to this rule it is a pretty standard way to classify men and women as being obese or at a healthy weight.

Obesity can also be a contributor to low T. The good news for men dealing with obesity is that losing weight and maintaining a healthier BMI can actually cause testosterone production to increase again.

How Can Men Get Help?

Low T can be very frustrating, but at LT Men’s Clinic, we can help with a variety of treatments. After monitoring your testosterone levels and determining if you do have low T, we can offer a variety of hormone replacement treatments, depending on your needs and your lifestyle. Pellets that are administered every 3-6 months, weekly injections, daily patches and at-home creams are all available to help men regain their normal testosterone levels, right here in our office. Give us a call at our office at (817) 406-3798 to schedule an appointment today!