Pellet Procedures

All About Pellet Procedures

If you are one of the millions of men who is struggling with low testosterone, then you may have heard of a multitude of different treatment options out there that can help restore your normal testosterone, or T, levels. Among the most common of these treatment options are testosterone pellets. These pellet procedures have become some of the most trusted ways for men to get their normal hormone levels back so they can start feeling like themselves again.

However, if you have never tried the pellet procedure before, then you may have some questions. Here are a few fast facts that will help you have a better understanding of what testosterone pellets are and how they may work for you.

  • Testosterone pellets are administered in office by a medical professional and are designed to deliver a steady stream of testosterone over a period of 3-6 months. Many men love them for the convenience factor.
  • Testosterone pellets have been around for a long time, and actually were first introduced back in the 1930s. Of course, technology and medical advancements have made them far more effective than they were in their early days.
  • Unlike testosterone injections, which can have you feeling results right away, it takes about one week for most men to start to notice the difference with testosterone pellets.
  • One of the greatest things about testosterone pellets is that they deliver a steady stream of hormones, so you don’t experience dramatic highs and lows like you would with other treatments.
  • At clinics such as LT Men’s Clinic, your insurance can actually be billed for pellet testosterone replacement therapy services, which gives you the opportunity to save hundreds in out-of-pocked costs for your pellet procedures.
  • Pellet procedures are quick, easy and painless and only take a few minutes in office, then you can get back out and on with your day.

Here at LT Men’s Clinic, we are happy to announce that our pellet procedures are back! Our office is now open and accepting new and existing patients for all of our services, including our popular pellet procedures. In addition to our pellet procedures and hormone therapies, we also offer services for the whole family, including IV hydration, flu shots and allergy testing

To make an appointment with us, contact LT Men’s Clinic by calling 817-369-3605 today.