21 Feb Are Her Levels Low, Too?
When most people hear the word “testosterone,” they think about men. In reality, testosterone is a hormone that women also need. Granted, women don’t need as much testosterone as men. According to Mayo Clinic, the average adult male needs somewhere between 240–950 ng/dL of testosterone, whereas an adult female only needs between 8–60 ng/dL. But even if they don’t need as much testosterone, women can still feel the effects when their levels are low.
Women and Testosterone
Testosterone is produced in two places in a woman’s body: the adrenal glands and the ovaries. Your body’s levels will fluctuate throughout the day, since your body produces them in short spurts and sends them into the bloodstream. As with estrogen, production of testosterone significantly slows after menopause.
When men have low levels of testosterone, they experience symptoms like low sex drive, moodiness, and low energy. Women with low levels can experience similar symptoms, but more often than not, these symptoms are mistakenly thought to stem from other conditions, like depression or menopause. So what’s the easiest way to know whether or not low testosterone is the culprit? Get your levels tested.
Why Women Need It
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can address several symptoms for women.
It can increase your sex drive. This is probably the most notorious effect of testosterone. Low testosterone is associated with low libido for both men and women, and getting your levels back to normal could help you out in this department.
It could help with weight loss. No, we’re not saying that testosterone is a weight loss drug, but if your levels are low, getting them back to normal might help you out. Testosterone plays a major role in telling your body where to put fat and muscle. When your levels are low, the amount of fat that your body stores goes significantly up, and your ability to build muscle is hindered.
It can keep your bones healthy and strong. We know that estrogen affects your bone density levels, which is why post-menopausal women are usually more prone to osteoporosis. But did you know that low testosterone negatively affects your ability to retain calcium? Both estrogen and testosterone are critical to bone development and health. Low levels of either one could mean negative consequences for your bones.
These are only a few of the benefits of TRT. However, with all of that being said, know that testosterone isn’t a “wonder drug.” TRT will only help you with these things IF your levels are low, and like we mentioned earlier, the only way to know whether or not your levels are low is to get tested. You can schedule an appointment by calling (817) 416-5698 today. We’ll answer your questions and, if your levels are low, we’ll help you determine the best kind of TRT for you.