There are lots of side effects of low testosterone, including emotional, mental, and physical. Today we’re focusing on a couple of the symptoms of low testosterone that you can actually see with your own eyes. While these indicators aren’t the only way to gauge whether...

When most people hear the word “testosterone,” they think about men. In reality, testosterone is a hormone that women also need. Granted, women don’t need as much testosterone as men. According to Mayo Clinic, the average adult male needs somewhere between 240–950 ng/dL of testosterone,...

As men age, their testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease (this often starts around age 30), but their estrogen levels tend to stay the same. This hormone imbalance opens the door for chronic health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and more, so let’s talk about...

As men age, many become trapped in a vicious cycle that leads to life-threatening abdominal obesity. No matter how much they exercise or how little they eat, these men are unable to shed this excess weight that accumulates in their belly. Published studies have shown that...