11 Dec Could Your ED Be Caused By Low Testosterone?
There are many men today who suffer from erectile dysfunction or ED. This is a very delicate issue and one that many men can understandably be embarrassed about. With erectile dysfunction, men not only experience a decreased sex drive, but they may have trouble getting or maintaining an erection that is suitable for sex.
While ED is common, it is not normal, and there are ways that you can get the help that you need and deserve if you are willing to. While there are a few different things that could be causing erectile dysfunction, one of the more common causes behind this issue is low testosterone levels or low T.
Men stop producing as much testosterone around the age of 30. Over time, if they produce too little, it can start to have an impact on their health. Erectile dysfunction is one of the more common of these health side effects.
Testosterone is required for a man to have an erection. However, the relationship between erections and testosterone is complicated, and it is still not fully understood. The good news is that with hormone replacement therapies that help restore normal testosterone levels in the body, many men can enjoy a restored sex drive and get the help that they need to overcome their ED.
However, it is important to remember that ED can be the side effect of a much more serious issue as well, and many times, low T isn’t to blame. ED can be a side effect of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and many neurological conditions.
The only way to determine whether or not your ED is caused by low T is to have your testosterone levels checked. We can do that right in our office here at LT Men’s Clinic. If we do find that you have lower than normal testosterone levels, we can recommend different BHRT (Bio-Identical Hormone Treatment) options for you. Testosterone treatments can come in the form of pellets, injections, patches and creams. Different treatments can have different benefits based on your lifestyle.
If you are interested in BHRT and learning more about what testosterone treatments can do for you, call LT Men’s Clinic today. You can reach us at 817-369-3605 to schedule an appointment today.