11 Jul How to Prevent ED: Tips to Avoid Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction unfortunately becomes more common as men grow older, and while it isn’t necessarily a normal part of aging, it is something that impacts countless men throughout the world. In fact, it is estimated that more than half of men today struggle with erectile dysfunction.
This can be a frustrating blow to your sex life, and ED can be very difficult to deal with, no matter how old or young you may be. However, there are some things that you do in order to avoid erectile dysfunction with easy and natural tips.
Be Aware of Your Diet
A poor diet can not only be bad for your heart, but for your ability to have an erection. While many men know that fatty diets can cause restricted blood flow and heart attacks—this same restricted blood flow can also cause erectile dysfunction as well as it impacts blood flow to the penis.
With this in mind, it is important that all men who want to stay healthy and maintain proper erectile function are aware of their diet. This means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid fattening, frie or processed foods to keep healthy blood circulation.
Get Regular Exercise
Healthy lifestyle choices are important if you are worried about erectile dysfunction. There is strong evidence stating that men who live a sedentary lifestyle are much more likely to struggle with ED. Great options include swimming, running and other types of aerobic exercise. It can help with cardiovascular health and help men maintain a healthy weight as well.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
A healthy diet is part of maintaining a healthy weight, but it is also important to maintain a healthy weight because men who are overweight are at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. This can cause nerve damage, including nerve damage to the penis which can lead to ED.
Keep Alcohol Consumption to a Minimum
This is another lifestyle change that can be difficult for some men—but it is one that can help you maintain a healthy weight, and prevent serious damage to the body. Chronic, heavy drinking can cause liver damage, nerve damage and even cause hormonal imbalances that can ultimately lead to ED.
Check Your Testosterone Levels
Make sure that you are keeping tabs on your testosterone levels. If you have low testosterone, it can lead to ED. Every year after 40, men start to naturally experience lower testosterone levels—so you should keep an eye on this hormone.
The good news is, we offer hormone testing right here at LT Men’s Clinic. If you are interested in hormone testing or learning more about how you can avoid erectile dysfunction or explore other treatments that may work for you—then give LT Men’s Clinic a call today. You can schedule an appointment by giving us a call at 817-369-3605.