08 Nov What to ask Your Doctor Before Starting Testosterone
The decision to start replacement testosterone might seem fairly straightforward yet there are some important questions to ask before beginning this treatment regimen.
Perform your due diligence and you will be able to move forward in full confidence. Let’s take a quick look at the best questions to pose to your doctor before starting testosterone.
What form of testosterone treatment is best for me?
Testosterone replacement can be administered in several ways. An implant, injection, or gel can be used as hormone replacement therapy. Ask your doctor how he or she will determine the specific form of treatment that is best for you, the ideal dose, and how the results will be tracked. Listen closely to the response and you will have the confidence necessary to move forward with replacement testosterone.
Does reduced muscle mass result from decreased testosterone matter?
Pose this question to your doctor and he or she will respond in the affirmative. Muscle mass is particularly important as you age. The aging process causes your body to weaken, your muscle mass to decrease and your bones to become more fragile. You will begin to gain weight, especially the dreaded subcutaneous fat along your midsection that has the potential to cause problems with the functionality and health of internal organs.
How can I tell for sure that I’m suffering from low T?
If you are in your late 30s or older, there is a chance you are suffering from low T. The release of testosterone is partially shaped by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland within the brain. The doctor will confirm your low T by performing blood work.
What is the optimal testosterone level?
Normal testosterone levels are in the range of 250 ng/dL to 350 ng/dL. However, normal testosterone might not be optimal for your body and your unique goals/desires as you age. Your doctor might advise a higher testosterone level than that of the “normal” range as determined in a clinical setting.
Are there any risks?
Testosterone replacement theory will certainly help in many different ways yet it is not guaranteed to improve your well-being and strength to the point that you feel the same as you did in your 20s. There are some risks of note. In particular, testosterone replacement side effects range from the potential enlargement of the pectoral muscles to oily skin, acne, and testicle shrinkage. In rare cases, patients experience minor hair loss.
Why, exactly, did my testosterone drop?
Testosterone reduction is a natural component of the aging process. Testosterone levels decrease when a man reaches age 30. However, you might not feel different until your late 40s or early 50s. Aside from the natural aging process, it is also possible that your low T is the result of an infection or injury to the testes. Even a pituitary gland problem can lead to testosterone reduction. Furthermore, men who have low levels of vitamin D and/or zinc might also suffer from low T.
How will starting testosterone improve my life?
Opt for testosterone replacement and you will enjoy myriad benefits in terms of physiology, psychology, and beyond. Testosterone replacement bolsters your strength, reduces fat, heightens bone density, and also enhances your sex drive. Testosterone replacement even improves your cognitive functionality, helping you focus at work, remember subtleties and also improve in terms of both verbal and spatial reasoning.