
Andropause: Menopause in Males

Guys, we’re not making this up. It’s a real thing. As the body ages, it experiences a lot of hormonal changes—and this goes for both men and women. Granted, these changes look a little bit different in men than they do in women, but we’ll get into that in a minute. First, let’s look at how they’re similar.

How It’s Similar

Physical symptoms. Everyone’s symptoms will be different, but there are some common overlapping physical symptoms. Both conditions can negatively impact your sleep, usually in the form of insomnia. Other symptoms include decreased libido and other difficulties with sexual function, like erectile dysfunction for men and dryness for women.

Emotional symptoms. Again, these will vary by individual, but usually there are some emotional symptoms experienced by both men and women. These symptoms include (but aren’t necessarily limited to) depression, irritability, and moodiness.

Fatigue. This one is big enough that it gets its own section. Fatigue is one of the more commonly reported symptoms from individuals going through either menopause or andropause. This sudden drain of energy negatively affects your quality of life from lots of different angles.

Bones and muscles. In both cases, people often experience an increase in fat mass and a decrease in muscle mass. Another byproduct is a decrease in bone density, which can pave the way for osteoporosis and other health issues.

How It’s Different 

There are a couple of things that set andropause apart from menopause.

Duration. From start to finish, menopause usually takes anywhere from four months to four years. Relatively speaking, it’s a pretty short period of time where the body undergoes drastic changes. Andropause, on the other hand, is much more subtle and takes a lot longer. Your testosterone levels begin to naturally (and very gradually) decrease starting around age 30.

The finish line. Specifically, menopause has one while andropause doesn’t. Menopause is over when the ovaries stop producing estrogen and the woman stops menstruating. Andropause never really ends because your body never stops producing testosterone—it just produces a lot less of it.

What Are Your Options?

If you’re feeling tired and irritable, or if you’ve lost interest in things you once loved, it might be the andropause talking. The only way to know for sure? Get your testosterone levels checked. That is the only way to know whether or not low testosterone is playing a role in the changes you’re experiencing. At LT Men’s Clinic, we can test your levels and have results in less than 30 minutes. And if it is low testosterone, we can talk to you about therapy options, answer your questions, and help you figure out which treatment is best for you.

Don’t let aging get you down! Get your testosterone levels tested today and learn if testosterone replacement therapy can help you. Schedule your appointment today by calling (817) 416-5698.



