In today’s world, stress has become one of our biggest health concerns. With more people than ever living in a constant stressed state, research has found that excess stress can lead to heart issues, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, chronic pain, insomnia and it can...

Guys, we’re not making this up. It’s a real thing. As the body ages, it experiences a lot of hormonal changes—and this goes for both men and women. Granted, these changes look a little bit different in men than they do in women, but we’ll...

It’s no secret that low testosterone is linked to a whole host of health conditions. In previous blogs, we’ve talked about depression, osteoporosis, and insomnia. Today, we’re talking about another condition that’s connected to low testosterone levels: diabetes. In fact, if you’re a man with type...

There are lots of hormones that affect your sleep, and testosterone is one of them. Did you know that your body produces testosterone during REM sleep, and your testosterone levels are highest in the morning? So if you’re not getting enough deep sleep at night,...

Low testosterone is a common problem in men, especially those over the age of 40. If you are experiencing symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, lack of energy or decreased sex drive, a visit to LT Men’s Clinic can determine if these difficulties are associated with...