Struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a significant pain for any man to deal with, and it can be both embarrassing and strenuous on your social life. Erectile dysfunction can also have an impact on your self-esteem, anxiety, and your relationships, making it one...

When it comes to understanding erectile dysfunction, this condition is often far more complicated than it seems on the surface. While Erectile Dysfunction (ED), can be a condition on its own, or one that is a side effect of different medical treatments and prescriptions. According to recent studies, erectile...

Recent studies into the impact of concussions on professional football players has revealed that these common head injuries are much more serious than many ever thought. As ex-NFL players continue to age, experts are finding that the concussions they sustained during their playing days actually had some lasting negative...

Erectile dysfunction unfortunately becomes more common as men grow older, and while it isn’t necessarily a normal part of aging, it is something that impacts countless men throughout the world. In fact, it is estimated that more than half of men today struggle with erectile dysfunction. This can be...

Testosterone treatment has already helped many men with low testosterone regain energy, mood, and even their memory. However, there are many spouses out there who are now wondering if testosterone replacement therapies can also help to improve their marriage. One of the most common reasons...

“My wife is beautiful. She’s stunning. But when I can’t get (or maintain) an erection long enough to have sex, she thinks she’s the problem. And she’s not.” Unfortunately, the truth is that erectile dysfunction doesn’t just affect the men who have it. While it’s difficult...