Globally, people from all walks of life are now finding themselves spending more time than ever at home. While staying home is essential to maintaining public health and keeping vulnerable individuals protected and safe, you mustn’t forget about your health and well-being as you stay inside. It...

If you are experiencing new and unfamiliar symptoms like a low sex drive, fatigue, or changes in your physique—then it can be uncomfortable to address these issues, let alone talk with your medical provider about them.  However, if you are a middle-aged or older man who...

Struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a significant pain for any man to deal with, and it can be both embarrassing and strenuous on your social life. Erectile dysfunction can also have an impact on your self-esteem, anxiety, and your relationships, making it one...

While many men know about the impact that testosterone can have on their health and their life—this hormone is much more complicated than many people think. It actually does more than help men with their sex life and building muscle—it is an essential hormone for...

Low testosterone is a serious condition that impacts many men today and can come with several severe side effects. These side effects come from having a lesser amount of testosterone in the system than average. This condition typically impacts middle age to senior men and...

As men age, their bodies tend to naturally produce less testosterone. Once most men reach the age of 40, they not only start to produce less of this vital hormone, but they start to deal with issues related to low energy level and libidos. This is a very unfortunate...