As men age, their bodies tend to naturally produce less testosterone. Once most men reach the age of 40, they not only start to produce less of this vital hormone, but they start to deal with issues related to low energy level and libidos. This is a very unfortunate...

When it comes to understanding erectile dysfunction, this condition is often far more complicated than it seems on the surface. While Erectile Dysfunction (ED), can be a condition on its own, or one that is a side effect of different medical treatments and prescriptions. According to recent studies, erectile...

If you haven’t already heard of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it is an increasingly common diagnosis in both men and women and is a condition that can make everyday activities extremely difficult. This syndrome causes long-term tiredness and makes even the simplest of activities completely energy draining. What is perhaps most...

Recent studies into the impact of concussions on professional football players has revealed that these common head injuries are much more serious than many ever thought. As ex-NFL players continue to age, experts are finding that the concussions they sustained during their playing days actually had some lasting negative...